Ah, it’s always fun to be back inside Michelle’s head, isn’t it?

Hope your holidays are going well. I’ve been doing a lot of traveling, which has made it somewhat difficult to stay caught up with everything, including this comic, but I’ve been managing pretty well so far. There’s an end in sight for the current Utopian Foundation story arc, which will then, in theory, allow me to collect everything up to that point as a print volume. That probably won’t be publicly available until next spring, but my plan is to have a limited run available for purchase at Emerald City Comic Con in March.

And, yes, that will likely mean another hiatus, but a more logical one that doesn’t come in the middle of an intense storyline. I have a new story arc cooked up, but I really want to have it VERY well planned before unleashing upon the world. Plus, I have pretty limited time and other projects up my sleeve. So, long story short, The Utopian Foundation isn’t going anywhere for a while. For better or worse.